Anatomy Of
While every diamond is unique, all diamonds share certain structural features. A diamond’s anatomy, or its basic structure, determines its proportions, brilliance, dispersion and scintillation. Each part of the diamond has a specific name, and having a basic understanding of how each part contributes to the diamond as a whole will help you find your perfect diamond. A diamond is comprised of the eight main components. They are Table, Crown, Girdle, Pavilion, and Culet. Below is a brief description of each part of a diamond and its location.
- Largest facet of a diamond
- Always a flat surface
- Resembles a table top
- Extends from the table
- Ends at the top of the girdle
- Step or brilliant cut facets
- Outer edge of diamond
- Widest point on a diamond
- Where crown & pavilion meet
- Either rough, polished or faceted
- Located at the bottom
- Bridges the girdle & culet
- Determines light reflection
- Quality cuts allow for max light
- Smallest facet of a diamond
- Located at the very bottom tip
- Used to protect the pavilion
- Modern methods renders it unnecessary, but it's still in use